Wednesday, November 4, 2009

7th Grade

Remember the test is on Friday. Have your study guide completed when you come to class on Friday. Do not try and cram. Study, look over your notes study your study guide, quiz each other. Online study session on from 6-8 tomorrow night. Let make this one better than the last. We have not done one in a test or two because of how bad the last on was. Lets correct the mistakes and have a great session and learn a lot and get every ones questions answered.

Mr. Clark

1 comment:

  1. hey mr.clark... i was thinking.. maybe instead of all of us taking individual tests maybe we could go into the computer lab and do the online map quiz linked to your blog and if we get a high enough score we pass and if we look at the help map then we automatically get an f or we could all do it together in class or orally i bet we would all do better because over the years of being with the same people every year i have concluded among other things is that we do things a lot better digitally or orally or together because we grew up in a digital age we feel more comfortable doing it with technology. this is just a suggestion, but a suggestion i really like. see you tomorrow
