Monday, November 16, 2009

8th Grade

After today's class, we are finished with 6.2, 6.2 and 6.3 as far as in class discussions go. Today they were given p.176 3-5 and p.185 1, 3-5 for an assignment. I also gave them their study guide and told them to get started on that. The test is about a week away, but this is a big section and I want them to start reviewing and committing the information to memory now.

Tomorrow I will place 6-3 notes on the Blog and we will discuss 6.4. Parents and students, plan on seeing an increase in home work and in class assignments. I am making a slight change in the class format.

Mr. Clark

1 comment:

  1. Im confused...
    What do you mean by a slight change in the class format??
