Friday, November 26, 2010

7th Grade

Happy Thanksgiving. Hope all of you had a great and wonderful time on Thursday. Now sadly it is time to get back to work. Here are the notes for section 12-4. We will quiz over this section on Monday. Do not will be having an Africa Map Test towards the end of this unit. I would not procrastinate on this. Start now!! Our blog has 2 great map sites to help you learn the countries of Africa.
Be safe and have fun.

Independence and Its Challenges
Chapter 12
Section 4

Growth of Nationalism
Nationalism- feeling of pride in ones homeland
Political Parties and Nationalism
with the withdrawal of colonial powers, unity must be built. Groups did not like each other
1912 South African Native National Congress is formed. Shortened to ANC
Protested laws

The belief that all Africans should work together for rights and freedom
Slogan- Africa for Africans
Leopold Senghor- leader of Pan-African movement. Becomes Senegal’s first president when it gains independence in 1960

Africa and World War II
WWII, Germany, and Italy invades North Africa, and Ethiopia
Countries of Africa contributed needed supplies to Allied forces
African airfields were used to launch attacks and carry supplies
Approx. 450,000 African took part in WWII on the side of the British
Fought for British Freedom, now they wanted their freedom

Different Paths to Independence
With the victory in WWII, Africans were even more inspired to gain their freedom
Winds of Change
War was costly and holding their colonies was also expensive, something had to give
Some freedom came peacefully, others fought to keep control
Britain gave-in freely
France- made them fight for it

From Gold Coast to Ghana
Boycott- refusal to buy or use certain products
Through a series of peaceful protests and boycotts, Gold Coast gain independence from Britain and renames itself Ghana (1957)

War in Algeria
France sees Algeria as more than a colony. They see it as part of France.
Not willing to give it up peacefully
1954 war breaks out
100,000 Algerians and 10,000 French dead
After an 8 year war and in 1962, Algeria gain independence

Challenges of Independence
No real governmental leadership. No experience
Colonial powers left after independence was granted and left them to “figure it out”
Military control in most countries
Few rights, no better than before

Building Democracy
Democracy- citizens exercise power through elected officials
Most African countries are less than 50 years old. This process takes time. Consider how long the U.S. took to get to where we are.

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