Monday, September 21, 2009

7th grade test results Chapter 5

High- 53
Low- 20
Average- 38.7

A- 5
B- 8
C- 17
D- 8
F- 6

Over all a very nice bell curve of results. C- average not bad. I w.ill be passing the tests out today to go over results then I will be collecting them back up and holding on to them for student-led conferences. Nice job 7th grade, you guys as a whole seem to be getting the hang of my tests. The one thing you do need to work on it writing in complete sentences. This is costing you points on tests and homework unnecessarily.


  1. I think I did well also I have a blog now it is

    -Louis Locander

  2. Mr.Clark I uploaded a picture a picture of a red panda to my blog here is the site

    -Louis Locander
